{6} BUZANtine…

Written By: AnneBH - Oct• 07•11

I am sitting here at my computer, glass of juice on one side, my daily cocktail of high blood pressure and anti-anxiety pills and the thought that I have not updated this post for a while. Once again I have not been asleep and as my mother always used to say to me “…if you have nothing to say – don’t say it…”. I know my dear Lisa will not always agree. You see Lisa is the one who has been a great source of encouragement (and inspiration) to me as I blog this journey of (mis?)adventure.
Once again – I digress. I have been busy though. Some of you will know about Tony Buzan, aka the mind map guy. Well I have been mindmapping too (see the photo) in a brainstorming kind of way based on 3 elements all designed to help me KEEP MY END GOAL IN MIND:

  • Set your goal
  • Formulate route to success
  • Maintain focus

I won’t question the wisdom of this, neither will I argue the toss; it’s easier said than done etc etc. I will follow it diligently as this is my prayed about intuitive idea. So each area will be explored, digested and cogitated deeply.  After all part of my end game is to encourage others to follow their hearts desire.

On a slightly different note,  I have been involved in meetings which means hopefully that Anne the Printer will not die but as part of the metamorphosis, all loyal customer (and the not so loyal) needs will be catered for. I can’t say too much yet suffice it to say fulfillment will be improved no end – a win-win situation I can assure us all.

I am looking forward to a fabulous weekend.

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  1. Amy says:

    Wow Anne, even your doodles are fabulous. You were so born to be an artist!! xx

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