S&M3 The Making of the Video

Written By: AnneBH - May• 09•12

Day 3!! Did I say I’d blog  on a daily basis? hmmm whoever said procrastination is the thief of time knew exactly what they were talking about. I have been trying make the video for this project and have been racking my mind about how best to do it. To be totally honest with you I am not great in front of the camera, I mean I am perfectly fine in an interview situation and can talk until they pull me off camera by my dreadz but tell me to make a video blog and I am all at sea.

So having discussed it with my best (and clearly my only) friend Seiwa, we’ve decided perhaps we ought to make it sound like an interview situation. So this afternoon, I will set up the video camera in my kitchen, sorry studio and we will begin. Lorraine will interview me and I will respond like a true pro. I need to get that video online so the site can go live and I can’t put it off any longer.

Meanwhile,  I have posted details of our plans on my facebook site and have noticed (I will try to remain in denial), how very few likes I have received already. This is not meant to be a painful project and every little amount donated will be gratefully received.

Checkers Delight (c) Larry Otoo


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  1. ofo says:

    I object! Seiwa aint your only friend*sniff*

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