Could It Be Magic?

Written By: AnneBH - Jul• 06•12

I can’t begin to tell you how overjoyed I was last Wednesday when I went to visit the Society of Women Artists (SWA) exhibition in London. First of all I was excited the paintings had not only made it into the exhibition but had also made it into the main hall. I stood at the top of the stairs and raised my camera to record the moment for posterity and then made a bee line to my paintings with the slightest of pretence that I was looking at the other paintings on display.

At the SWA exhibition in London (c) Anne Blankson-Hemans

As I approached the paintings I saw the all revealing red dot that tells you and everyone else the painting has been sold! By this time I was beside myself and if I had a tail (or one big enough) it certainly would have been wagging nineteen to the dozen. I looked round for my friend  Seiwa who was still outside the gallery having  had to take a phone call just before we entered to share my joy and as she was not present, I pulled out my phone and took a few more shots. Time to share on twiter, text, facebook etc…

Bananas at the souk 2012 (c) Anne Blankson-Hemans

When Seiwa entered the gallery I grabbed her by both hands and dragged her to the paintings.  In addition to the squeal she let out much to the consternation of the group observing a portrait painting demonstration, she grabbed me, hugged me and we did a little dance together.

It’s not the first time I have sold a painting and certainly it is not the first time I have sold anything. I ran my own business for nearly ten years and sometimes we took a large number of orders in a day or sometimes a very large single in one day order so I know it’s not always about the money.

So that got me thinking; what is it that excites me so about someone coming along to a gallery or an exhibition,  stopping by a painting and liking it so much they want to own it? What extraordinary influence or charm does the painting hold over the viewer?

This is what my friend and muse Amy aka Ms Moem – she writes the most amazing personalised poems) had to say about it. I think she sums it up pretty well…

.’ is because it is such a personal self expression. When you paint, it is for you. Then for someone else to fall in love with it… it’s magic!’

For me I really enjoy the moment. I enjoy the process of creating and am ever so thankful that I can do it. I remember every single painting (with fond memories) I have ever sold and will always appreciate that someone else enjoys it as much as I enjoyed painting it.

The SWA exhibition is at the Mall Galleries, London SW1 and runs from 28th June through 7th July.

And finally – We have just 14 more days to go til my sponsorship window closes. I am raising funds to help towards and exhbition in London in October. Please please please got my sponsume site and help me make a success of this. There are some serious goodies in it for you. Love you loads 🙂 and I will love you even more.

Te Deum laudamus

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