Oh yeah…Life Goes On

Written By: AnneBH - Sep• 17•12

I am adjusting to life in a smaller house and am rather amused by it all so I invite you to laugh with me as I laugh at myself.

In the great scheme of things, 15 years in a large house is not an awful lot of time but it is amazing how much you take it all for granted. The first challenge has been to fit the contents of a 5 bedroom house into a 3 bedroom dolls house and I mean dolls house. I have no room to swing the proverbial cat which is a blessing in disguise I guess.

'Before' - 5 bedrooms, large garden and swimming pool

Firstly I had perfected the art of cat swinging so I am sorry I cannot indulge in this sport anymore so I will have to learn a new skill – shoe-horning! All I can say is I am so glad we got rid of a whole lot of stuff before we moved because the little we brought is already filling up the space and I am becoming maniacally obsessed with de-cluttering around me.

I am pleased to say we are settling in just fine. A trip to IKEA resolved a big dilemma – where oh where in this tiny bathroom should I place the laundtry basket? My resolution was in the form of a small foldaway bag that fits neatly between the door and the bath. I am patting myself on the shoulder for my resourcefulness and creativity even as I type.

After, compact & bijou, a warm place and a roof over our heads 😉

I have to tell you this though, one of my major anxieties was how to tell my few remaining customers I would not be able to work for them any longer. I have tossed and turned and burnt the midnignt candle at both ends, that is until a customer contacted me recently. His phone call was full of his usual energy and enthusiam, ‘I have 3 orders for you’ he announced brightly, and then his tone changed when I told him I would not be able to fulfill them and then explained with all the honesty I could muster the reason why. Well my man was not a happy bunny and unleased his annoyance and frustration with such bad grace I was completely taken aback. ‘Bloody ‘ell I thought. let’s get our lives a little in perspective…I am not a brain surgeon – no one is going to bleed to death here!’

I have to say, I would normally count to 10 before my next thought but I was incandescent with rage. ‘Thanks for your sympathy…’ I fired back in a text message to which came the reply… ‘Yes I feel sorry for you and all that but  life has to go on…this is my means of livelihood…’

I do admit , I smiled when I read his reply. Insensitive as it was, it helped me put the whole situation into some proper perspective. I mean what did I really expect? That he would don his sackcloth and sit with me amongst my ashes? He is moving on, why shouldn’t I?

So Life goes on and the thrill of living has began. I have been too busy to grieve for my ‘loss’ and I am not so sure that any grieving is required anyway. The is a whole new world ahead of me to explore and the thought of filling it with bright new paintings of God’s wonderful creation completely inspires me. The glory will always be his.

Te Deum Laudamus

PS Folks – I am humbled and overwhelmed by your response to my blog ‘Who is my sufficiency’. I had no idea so many people read my blogs. Do please leave a comment so I know you have been here.

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  1. Ofo says:

    That’s the right attitude. Yesterday, I read how 3 members of a family,(father and 2 grown sons) lost their lives in an accident on their farm. The 1st son married with 2 young kids, the youngest was a rugby star. I prayed for the surviving members of the family. And I told myself’dont sweat the small stuff…EVER!!! God has blessed you. You’re not hungry cold and homeless. What’s more people are tracking your paintings down to buy them…keep rejoicing.

    • Anne says:

      I am not surprised yet will never cease to be amazed at His goodness Ofo. Indeed this tracking down thing was a miracle in itself with some impeccable timing to boot. As Joyce Meyer says, He is our God of ‘suddenly’.
      I heard about the poor family who fell into the slurry pit and I prayed for them too. That God’s peace which passes all understanding would be with them too. Life is for living!!

  2. asabus says:

    I am speechless at the insensitivity of your customer. There is no excuse for such a response. It does not take a second to say I am very sorry and move on…..WOW!!! You learn something new everyday… that is what makes life fun!!!! Keep on keeping on!

    • Anne says:

      You are right Asab, there is no excuse for this level of insensitivity but i do have to commend those customers who did and were genuine and sincere in their sympathy. Yes we learn a little more each day don’t we? Still – life is good.

  3. Yaa Gyamera says:

    Like the hymn writer wrote, “through all the changing scenes of life…..” God is ever so faithful. He’s our reason for living and so long as we don’t give up, He will prove faithful. Anne, I am so touched by your sharing, though I don’t know what has transpired, but life does go on, with or without us so hold on to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Keep well and stay blessed.

    • Anne says:

      Thank you Yaa indeed He is and I am learning more and more each (morning by morning new mercies I see). Life is good! Keep well and stay blessed.

  4. carlos says:

    Keep the faith girl. You wont believe the stories out there of insensitivity in our lives . Like you, i find your story amusing cos i have been there and climbed back. Be encouraged that ‘ in all the changing scenes of life’ your determination to achieve your aspirations in life eventually always overcomes whatever the world throws at you. Smile, God loves you.

  5. Mansa says:

    As I read your blogs,I can’t help but sing ‘Amazing Grace’.
    When He says that His grace is sufficient for us, it is deed. Thanks for sharing.
    Stay blessed.

    • Anne says:

      Thank you so much Auntie Mansah, I have been humbled by some of the messages I’ve received. We are all quite happy now and wondering why we stress so much.

  6. Yvonne Boakye says:

    Just saw this and my heart went out to you. But I must say you have a positive outlook which I admire. As I always say there is always light at the end of the tunnel. May the blessing of God be with you and your family

  7. Zakmo says:

    Anne, let the insensitivity of some just evaporate from your life. Christ said ” Father forgive them for they know not what they do” . That was another teachable moment for us all. Hope you are well

  8. yvonne says:

    Totally understood your need to declutter. I pray you settle in to your new place and adjust to the change. Majority of people are looking out for themselves and do not have time to think of others. Thank God He never forgets us and is always looking out for our best.

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