The Curse Of The Strong

Written By: AnneBH - Nov• 11•12

My mother could never understand why people would want to appear on TV to air their personal problems on shows like Oprah Winfrey, Vanessa, Tricia and Dr Phil. I would often reply by staring blankly at her as she asked this obviously rhetorical question for the umpteenth time because I knew she wasn’t really expecting an answer from me. I was puzzled though because she often chipped in with comments and answers directly at the unresponding telly which used to amuse me no end.

Dr Joy Lilian Blankson-Hemans aka Mummy

I on the other hand and for some inexplicable reason have had no such inhibitions and wear my heart boldly on my sleeve. I know this isn’t always a good thing as the old adage goes… ‘wear your heart on your sleeve and you will bleed to death…’ ha ha – I say ‘wear it inside and no one will know you are bleeding internally…’. My mother bore her cancer and quietly faced her death with the same stoic attitude. That is pretty brave. Me? I’ll probably yell the place down with ‘mi ri wu o’ (I am dying) until everyone tells me to ‘ye fun na wu -aba!’  – shut up and die quietly.

Well here I go again; these last few weeks I have been engulfed by a very  dark mist that has greatly affected my ability to function in pretty much the same way that a straight jacket restricts you. It is not a pleasant place to be and as the mist rises from the dark pit under my feet I hold on to the edge of the abyss completely white knuckled and doing my best not to succumb and fall  praying until the moment which can be several days long passes. (Just by the by what colour would the knuckles of black people be?  ha ha just clenched my fists to see if they change colour and the answer is inconclusive.)

I do function, I mean I get up and go to work (more about this later) and I speak with people and do my job adequately and I try to paint and strangely enough at the end of such an episode I produce some of my most creative paintings but goodness what a price to pay!

There is a name for this rising mist; it’s called depressive illness and some experts believe depression tests the strongest amongst us as in the main we do battle with pressures and stresses that most people would normally run away from until our bodies can take no more.

I think I understand my mother’s position on the subject; bless her she was a medical doctor and one would have expected her to know more but her expertise was in obstetrics and gynaecology so in a sense dealing with the bottom end of the human anatomy (sorry no pun intended) rather than the cerebral end. I do however think there is more to her attitude and something that further inhibits me. Stoics endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining.

You see as Africans we have been brought to to be quiet on most issues that cause us mental trauma. ‘Fa ma Nyame‘ (Give it to God – literal translation), and keep it quietly to yourself and carry on with your life as best as you can and if you want to go the whole hog, turn down the corners of your mouth and look as miserable as you can but don’t talk about it in public. If you make the mistake of breaking down, God help you because ‘wo a bo dam‘, (you’ve gone mad) and the stigma never leaves you.  My further inhibition is my faith – in a sense my own fa ma Nyame so why should I speak about it as speaking about it shows a lack of faith?

Depressive illness is a physical illness and people can recover from it. When my business went bust and my mind with it, I was offered 12 weeks of cogntive behaviour therapy CBT which helped me to rationalise my situation. In addition anti anxiey (ok anti-depressive) pills helped me feel better. So when subsequent to that I lost my home I was able to take a more philosophical view. It is not to say I am no longer under pressure and going to Tesco these days is not always safe; a creditor can appear out of the blue as one did one evening at around 10pm and demand payment. (Yes that happened recently) but now I operate on this simple premiss – I can only do what I can do. An encounter with Northampton Borough Council this week brought me dangerously close to the edge again so I stumbled but thankfully I did not fall.

I am not a victim and creditors have a right to be pissed off but the Bible teaches forgiveness and debt wipeout, I long ago wrote off my own debtors debts and I am living peacefully with them however I am dealing with the fallout of some actions I took. When you dance with the crocodile, you must be prepared for when the music stops. But life is full of risks and when this music stopped I had been out tangoed by the crocodile.

No one should be blamed or feel guilt for succumbing to depressive illness though treatment is important. I do not look forward to the episodes and in my positive and optimistic way as I hang on with tight knuckles I look forward to the wonderful painting that surely follows.

Te Deum Laudamus






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  1. Ofo says:

    You look like your mum. She was made of sterner stuff! Oh Anne, I didn’t realise how you were struggling mentally and emotionally.I will be praying for you. You need to start listening to specific AWs which cuts right to the real source of depression and how to overcome. I will try and find them and send to you. I know medication helps,but is often a very temporary solution…Stay strong, stay in the word, be a doer of the get stronger and the negative emotions loose their grip. Remember, ‘as a man thinks in his heart, so he is’

    • Anne says:

      Thanks Ofo for the prayers. Without wanting to sound unChristian or not standing in faith sometimes to my mind this is part of the pressure; especially that last comment ‘as a man thinketh in his heart so is he…’; we are postive when we think positive and depressed when we think depressed?

      • Ofo says:

        Sorry Anne..I just saw this. Regards the above’as a man thinks in his heart..’ I didn’t write it. It’s in the bible- God said it. And he’s right..Your thoughts produce your outlook on life. We prob need to discuss this another time, another place. Main thing is to keep cheerful,keep hopeful,keep believing. Remember you’re made to overcome.

  2. Jane says:

    Anne, your courage and honesty in talking about depression, and the difficulties you have surmounted and face at the moment, are really inspiring. I am glad CBT has helped in the past, and hope that you are able to call on any and all resources that you have when times are dark. I look forward to seeing the paintings too, born out of today’s feelings. Jane x

    • Anne says:

      Thank you Jane. I do come under a lot of criticism for being so open but I am who I am :-). I am anxious to start painting again as I haven’t done anything since early September. I don’t have a lot of room in this new house and as it is rented I need to keep it clean but I have created a nice little spot. Watch the blank canvas :-). My head is brimming with good stuff.

  3. Carla Leemans says:

    Dear Anne , I felt somthing was wrong,I think sometimes , why people have to go true all that misery. Life is sometimes so hard.But when there is a little bit of sunshine you will enjoy it as never before.People can give you that little bit of sunshine and faith too.Talking about it is part of the cure so let us know how you are going along, day by day and suround you of friends ,children,people, don’t let isolacion, also mentaly in. Listen to music ,talk ,paint,eat well, verry important.
    I believe there are good people in this world and good things to.
    I can’t wait to see the new paintings.
    Wish you a smile and gooooood things.

    • Anne says:

      Hi Carla – all is well. The episode has passed that’s why I am able to write about it. It is not a pleasant state but I always know it will pass. My new job is keeping me very focussed and I am trying to save up a little so I can get 2nd maybe 3rd or 4th hand 🙂 car. The journey to work is long as I go on the bus but I do get to see some very spectacular sunrises and so great inspiration for my paintings. Maybe you can send me some more stories? I really look forward to them… Right now I am still doing battle with the courier company that lost my paintings and I have managed to create some space in my new home to do some paintings so watch this space. I have an autumn scene bursting out of my mind at the moment. Speak soon

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